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The Apple Watch, iPad, and Customer 3D

By on March 23, 2015

Customer 3D creates a changed worldview of customers, which becomes a “wearable” for your organization. Once you embrace it, you wonder how your company lived without it.

You Belong with Your Customers

By on September 24, 2014

Collaboration and customer success go hand-in-hand.

Are you still focused on your agenda?

By on June 27, 2014

You are in the dinosaur era. Start being helpful or be ignored. A guest post by Danielle MacInnis from MacInnis Marketing in Melbourne, Australia. Small businesses need marketing more than ever I have just spent the last 3 months travelling around Australia working with medium businesses CEOs. They have identified that they need to invest in […]

What You Are Already Doing

By on May 30, 2014

It’s easy for organizations to explain what they already are doing well for the customer. It’s often difficult for them to explain what they could have done better.

Customer-Centered Advocates

By on April 9, 2014

Organizational advocacy for the customer will be the difference-maker in the future. Because you understand their needs more clearly, they will advocate for you in return. That’s the essence of customer loyalty.

April 30, 2014. The Path to Success.

By on April 3, 2014

Bill will speak and serve on a panel at the National Society of Hispanic MBAs event in Rochester, NY, on April 30, 2014, discussing the importance of influence and diversity to entrepreneurial success. The Rochester Chapter of NSHMBA currently has over 375 members.

March 28, 2014. The One Project

By on April 3, 2014

The Thinking Forward speaking troupe, which Bill helped found, introduced The One Project to a community-focused audience on March 28, 2014 at St. John Fisher College in Rochester, NY. Bill described the benefits of The One Project initiative, which was created as a platform that brings committed individuals together to focus on specific community-related goals in a […]

April 1, 2014. Public Speaking and Leadership

By on April 2, 2014

Bill gave a lively presentation to the Rochester Rotary Club on April 1, 2014 about Persuasive Public Speaking and Leadership. He highlighted how excellent public speaking skills not only benefit leaders in the workplace, but also solidify their personal branding around being a strong communicator.

Feb 27, 2014. High Impact Presentations.

By on February 28, 2014

The Professional Abatement Contractors of Central New York (PACNY) invited Bill to speak at their annual conference on February 27, 2014. Bill delivered a 45-minute talk and demonstration about High Impact Presentations to an audience of professional trainers from all phases of the abatement industry.     Image courtesy Turning Stone Resort Casino


By on February 19, 2014

Prevention is always better than repairing problems for customers. Empower employees to challenge and change current processes that create customer effort.

Customer Bill of Rights

By on February 12, 2014

More than ever, customer success is the right that every seller ought to see as essential in its work for consumers.

Re-Defining Customer Service

By on February 6, 2014

The definition of great customer service is changing…for the better. The Customer 3D™ approach is taking suppliers’ expectations to a new dimension for their customers. What used to be acceptable in the product-centered world is being expanded by a new, customer-centered mentality. My book, Customer 3D: A New Dimension for Customers, was released today. I am […]

Growing Customer-Centricity

By on February 6, 2014

Many companies believe that they can develop a customer-focused organization through a command-and-control approach. The reality is that becoming customer-centered will never happen without a deep-rooted culture that allows it to flourish. Michael Jones, in The Roots of Aliveness, introduces a brilliant metaphor for business success—the ecology of a tree. Here’s how he describes the process […]

Customer Expectations

By on December 9, 2013

Many companies claim that they want to "exceed customers' expectations." There’s a problem with this mantra, however. It is based on the supplier’s view of what its customers expect. And this is inevitably shaped by the rules and procedures that have been built up to "protect" the business. There are built-in limits. Employees understand that […]

Resourceful Leadership

By on December 9, 2013

One of the essential characteristics that every customer-centric organization shares is a culture of resourcefulness. It starts with the organization’s leaders. Their vision is practical, and even frugal, and it translates into the culture of everyone working there. The message is clear: “Focus on our customers rather than ourselves.” An excellent example is Barlean’s Organic […]

Creative Customer Performance

By on November 25, 2013

When organizations focus on what their customers will tell others, it opens performance to a new dimension. Suddenly, everyone from front-line employees to executives takes on a creative role that embraces exciting new ideas.

Thinking Forward

By on October 18, 2013

Customer service is being re-invented with an attitude that is very different from what we are used to seeing. Companies are beginning to think forward for their customers—to anticipate how they can become a more valuable partner. Steve Jobs once described the difference between TV and the Web as Lean Back vs. Sit Forward media. […]

What Needs Changed?

By on October 16, 2013

The title of this post can be interpreted in two ways. First, it can represent the question “What needs to be changed?’ What are the situations or worldviews that are not working and that, therefore, ought to be improved? These are the ideas that we rally together to challenge and to make better. Secondly, it […]

A Different Approach to Customer-Centered Success

By on October 15, 2013

This community is very different from any other customer site. The worldview of customers is being re-invented by passionate advocates for changing what has been accepted as normal customer service. This network is a resource, focusing on only the most customer-centered thought leadership. It is meant to showcase abundant, anti-status-quo thinking about mindful, collaborative alignment […]

Customer Effort

By on October 14, 2013

It’s good that the world is paying more attention to the amount of effort that a customer must exert in order to do business with us. Nevertheless, there is still a lot more that companies should be doing. “Stop Trying to Delight Your Customers” (Dixon, Freeman, and Toman in the HBR, July-August 2010) introduces the […]

The Customer 3D™ Premium

By on October 12, 2013

All of us are well aware that basic knowledge is getting more basic, because it is more easily accessible. Google and other high-performance search engines have proven that. Customer 3D™ organizations are factoring this trend into the design of their services in order to creatively grow their businesses. It’s happening at two ends of the […]

Anti-Complexity Officer

By on October 10, 2013

We have enough complexity already. Consequently, we have less and less patience with suppliers that expect us to figure out how to do business with them. We have heard a lot in recent years about the Chief Customer Officer (CCO). How about an Anti-Complexity Officer whose job it is to advocate for simplified processes for […]

Change the Culture

By on April 30, 2013

A Bigger Pie

By on November 28, 2012

When you see bigger, you think smarter. When you reverse scarcity thinking and believe that what you are offering can expand into new markets based on anticipating and solving customer needs, then the market becomes much more boundary-less.

The Innovation Zone

By on June 11, 2012

Author: Thomas M. Koulopoulos

The Designful Company

By on June 11, 2012

Author: Marty Neumeier


By on June 11, 2012

Author: Lisa Aschmann

Tell Us How We Can Help
We love to have conversations with individuals who want their organizations to become customer-centered market leaders. Please send us your thoughts and questions.

Customer 3D
120 Allens Creek Road
Rochester, NY 14618
[800] 380-2308

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