How can first responders, such as Emergency Medical Service (EMS) providers be more customer-centered? Beyond Lucid Technologies has developed the MediView™ Platform to make emergency healthcare and other first response services more efficient.
Winner of the 2012 DC to VC award presented by Health 2.0, Beyond Lucid thought like a customer to develop a software package which closes the gap between first responders and the hospitals that they serve. The company’s goal was to use the travel time to the healthcare facility to record valuable information in advance of the check-in process.
Before: Currently, less than 50% of ambulance providers use technology in their vehicles. The rest capture patient details on paper. During an average transport time of over 20 minutes, a large percentage of data is lost, leading to increasing times for treatment, a higher risk of medical errors, and adding to rising medical costs.
After: The MediView™ Platform allows incident and patient data to be inputted digitally while in transit. Then, the information can be routed to wherever it needs to go, including doctors, hospital admissions staff, spouses or nursing homes, and the EMS headquarters. It achieves higher efficiency by:
– Eliminating the use of paper in an ambulance
– Connecting First Responders to the hospitals they serve
– Decreasing costs and increasing efficiency throughout the emergency healthcare chain
Beyond Lucid Technologies (BLT) is thinking like a customer to advance the progress of information sharing in healthcare using a data standard known as NEMSIS — the National Emergency Medical Services Information System — not just to exchange data, but even to build strategic alliances when doing so would benefit its clients. More details can be found in BLT’s white paper, Improving Efficiency in Health: Emergency Medical Systems Whitepaper.
MediView™ image is copyright Beyond Lucid Technologies, Inc.