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Archive for October, 2013

Thinking Forward

By on October 18, 2013

Customer service is being re-invented with an attitude that is very different from what we are used to seeing. Companies are beginning to think forward for their customers—to anticipate how they can become a more valuable partner. Steve Jobs once described the difference between TV and the Web as Lean Back vs. Sit Forward media. […]

What Needs Changed?

By on October 16, 2013

The title of this post can be interpreted in two ways. First, it can represent the question “What needs to be changed?’ What are the situations or worldviews that are not working and that, therefore, ought to be improved? These are the ideas that we rally together to challenge and to make better. Secondly, it […]

A Different Approach to Customer-Centered Success

By on October 15, 2013

This community is very different from any other customer site. The worldview of customers is being re-invented by passionate advocates for changing what has been accepted as normal customer service. This network is a resource, focusing on only the most customer-centered thought leadership. It is meant to showcase abundant, anti-status-quo thinking about mindful, collaborative alignment […]

Customer Effort

By on October 14, 2013

It’s good that the world is paying more attention to the amount of effort that a customer must exert in order to do business with us. Nevertheless, there is still a lot more that companies should be doing. “Stop Trying to Delight Your Customers” (Dixon, Freeman, and Toman in the HBR, July-August 2010) introduces the […]

The Customer 3D™ Premium

By on October 12, 2013

All of us are well aware that basic knowledge is getting more basic, because it is more easily accessible. Google and other high-performance search engines have proven that. Customer 3D™ organizations are factoring this trend into the design of their services in order to creatively grow their businesses. It’s happening at two ends of the […]

Anti-Complexity Officer

By on October 10, 2013

We have enough complexity already. Consequently, we have less and less patience with suppliers that expect us to figure out how to do business with them. We have heard a lot in recent years about the Chief Customer Officer (CCO). How about an Anti-Complexity Officer whose job it is to advocate for simplified processes for […]

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Rochester, NY 14618
[800] 380-2308

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